How to Create a Custom Divi Header with Divi Theme Builder and Ultimate Divi Header 5 by Divi Life


With a few steps using the Divi Theme Builder you can adjust the style of Ultimate Divi Headers to fit your website design. In our example below, we will customizing Ultimate Divi Header 5 to match the style of the Divi Travel Blogger Child Theme by Divi Life.

You can grab our Divi Headers from our Divi Store, if you haven’t already.

You’ll need to have your Wordpress site installed using the Divi Theme version 4.0 or later. Then you are ready to import your Ultimate Divi Header file(s) and begin customizing in the Divi Theme Builder.


Below is a handy Visual Table of Contents to help you quickly skip ahead to the areas you are most interested in.
However, you’ll need to complete Steps 1 & 2 first.



Step 1: Import the Ultimate Divi Headers files into your Divi Library

  1. Under the Divi tab, select Divi Library.
  2. Then click on Import & Export.


  1. In the Portability overlay, choose the Import tab.
  2. Choose the Divi Life Ultimate Divi Headers JSON file you want to import.
    You may import an individual file for one header version or choose the “ALL-Divi-Life-Header-Templates” to import all of the files at once. To follow this example, make sure you have at least the file for “Header-2a”.
  3. Click Import Divi Builder Layouts.


Step 2: Create a new Global Header in the Theme Builder

  1. Under the Divi tab, select Theme Builder.
  2. Then click on Add Global Header.
  3. Choose Add From Library.


  1. In the Load From Library window, choose the Your Saved Layouts tab.
  2. Choose the header you want to import. To follow this example, choose “Header-2a”.


  1. Next, choose the pencil icon to begin editing your newly imported Global Header template.


Note: Your header may not display correctly inside the Theme Builder but it will once you view it on your website.
Next, click on the Divi Tool Bar icon to expand it. Select wireframe view.


Step 3: Edit the Menu Module

  1. Select the Gear Icon in the Menu module to open Menu Settings.
  2. Under Content Section, select your Divi Interior Main Menu.


Here you can add your site logo:

  1. Under the Logo Section of the Content tab in Menu Settings, select Gear icon to replace the default logo with your logo.

Next, select you Search Icon setting:

  1. Continuing in the Content tab, open the Elements Section and choose Show Search Icon YES or NO. For our example we chose YES.

Next, edit your Menu design styling:

  1. Select the Design tab in Menu Settings.
  2. Under the Menu Text Section, change the Active Link Color to your desired color. For our example we are using #ff6d6d orange to match Divi Travel Blogger Child Theme color palette.
  3. Next change the Menu Font to your desired font choice.
  4. Then change the Menu Font Weight as needed.
  5. Change the Menu Text Default Color and Hover state to your desired colors.
  6. Change your Menu Text Size as needed.


Continuing in the Design tab, next, edit your Menu Logo sizing, if needed:

  1. Under the Menu Sizing Section, adjust the Logo Max Width as needed.

Now for the Dropdown Menu and Mobile Menu:

  1. Under the Dropdown Menu Section, change the Dropdown Menu Line Color to your desired color. For our example we are using ‘none’ so there is no Dropdown Menu Line.
  2. Then change the Dropdown Menu Text Color and Hover state to your desired colors.
  3. Next change the Dropdown Menu Active Link Color to your desired color. We are using #747489 gray to match Divi Travel Blogger Child Theme color palette.
  4. Now scroll down to view the lower part of the Dropdown Menu Section, and edit the Mobile Menu Text Color along with its Hover color.

Step 4: Adjust Row Minimum Height for Logo

It may be that your logo inside the Menu Module will need more space above and below in order to look good. If so, here’s how to adjust the minimum height of that Row.

  1. Select the Gear Icon in the lower Row module to open Row Settings.
  2. Inside the Sizing Section, edit your Minimum Height as needed.

Step 5: Edit the Blurb Modules (Phone Number & Contact)

Note: There are two Blurb Modules that appear on the top row of the header. The one on the left for the phone number and on the right for the ‘Connect with Us’ contact link. Both Blurb Modules work the same way and have similar settings. Repeat these instructions for each.

  1. Select the Gear Icon in one of the Blurb modules to open Blurb Settings.
  2. Under Content Section, edit your Body text.


Continuing in the Content tab:

  1. Lower in the Content tab, open the Image & Icon Section. Here you set Use Icon, YES or NO.
  2. If YES, in the Icon table, select your desired icon.


Next, edit your Blurb design styling:

  1. Select the Design tab in Blurb Settings.
  2. Choose your Icon Color.
  3. Choose Use Icon Font Size, YES or NO.
  4. If YES, adjust your Icon Font Size here.


Next, edit your Blurb Body Text design styling. Scroll down lower in the Design tab and open the Body Text Section.

  1. Choose your Body Font.
  2. Choose your Body Font Weight.
  3. Choose your Body Text Color.
  4. Next, adjust the Body Text Size as needed.



Step 6: Change the Social Media Icon Styling

  1. Select the Gear Icon in the Social Media Follow module.
  2. Then select the Gear Icon for one of the social networks. This will open Social Network Settings.


Now choose your Social Networks:

  1. Inside the Network Section, select your social network needed for your website.  Then return to the overall Social Media Follow Settings by clicking the Back arrow at the top.

Repeat this step for each of the social networks needed on your website header.

Next, adjust the Social Media Icon Design Settings:

  1. Select the Design tab in Social Media Follow Settings. This allows you to make edits for all the icons at one time.
  2. Change the Icon Color to your desired color and Icon Hover Color desired. For this example, we are keeping the icon fill white with a 100% opacity with a Hover color of white with 50% opacity.

If needed, you can change the Icon Font Size to your desired size by changing Use Custom Icon Size to YES. Then adjust the size.



Step 7: Change Header Background Color(s)

Here’s how to change one or both of the separate header row’s background color:

  1. Select the Gear Icon in one of the bottom two Row modules to open its Row Settings.
  2. In the Background Section, add a background color to what you want for your header row. For our example, we are using 80% opacity on the upper menu row and 90% opacity for the lower row.

Note: Both rows work the same way.



Step 8: Adjust the Custom Mobile Dropdown Menu Position

If you adjust the minimum row height in Step 4 to accommodate your logo size, you may find that the mobile dropdown menu no longer aligns with the bottom of the mobile header. To adjust its position follow these instructions.

  1. Select the Gear Icon in the Code module to open Code Settings.
  2. In the Content tab, scroll to Line 27 and 31 to change the values for the two mobile viewport widths; “#custom-header5-menu .et_mobile_menu { top: XXpx; }” In our example, for the Divi Travel Blogger Child Theme, we changed the value for Line 24 to “{ top: 75px; }”, and Line 31 to “{ top: 70px; }”.

And we’re done!

You can now test your header on the front end of your site, and fine tune the design settings to fit your particular website.