How to Become a Divi Business Expert— Our Brand New Course

by | Jul 9, 2018 | Product Announcements | 13 comments

After over a year and a half of hard work planning and strategizing, I’m happy to introduce our brand new Divi course— Divi Business Expert!

From $0 to 6 Figures, Divi Business Expert is an online course designed to help you build a long-term, sustainable business around WordPress and Divi, with consistent referrals and recurring revenue.

Brought to you by Divi Life & Divi Space, Divi Business Expert is a Divi course that goes beyond teaching you the basics of Divi. While you’ll still learn how to create websites with Divi (using our streamlined website creation process), the focus of the course is teaching you how to build a long-term sustainable business around WordPress and Divi. So rather than just teaching you how to create websites, we’ll teach you how to build a business creating websites.

You can skip directly to the Divi Business Expert product page here on Divi Life, or check out the course info and signup page for complete course details, and of course to sign up!

Who is This Course For?

We designed this course for anyone wanting to create a business around WordPress/Divi. Whether you’re brand new to creating websites, or experienced but wanting to level up your business and scale, this course is for you.



David and I (more about us below) have both been able to enjoy the perks and flexibility that a profitable web design business provides, and we’re excited to help you get there too. Everyone has different reasons for wanting a “work whenever and wherever” business, whether it be family, traveling, etc, but the beauty of the business model is it puts you in control of both your time and your income.

About the Instructors



Divi Business Expert is a collaboration between myself (Tim Strifler), and David Blackmon of Divi Space. As mentioned previously, we’ve been planning this course for quite some time.

We launched our podcast, WP the Podcast, almost a year ago and as our listeners know, we’ve been hinting at the course since the beginning. WP the Podcast is a daily podcast about everything that surrounds a WordPress Web Designer: WordPress (obviously), Business, Marketing, Sales, etc.

Through our efforts with the podcast, and with listener feedback, we’ve learned a lot about what Divi/WP business owners want to learn and what things they struggle with.



Both myself and David are also hosts on Divi Chat, a weekly live video podcast about Divi, Business, and everything in between.

Lastly, we’ve both created our own 6-Figure+ Agencies around WordPress and Divi, and we’re excited to teach everything we know to our students in the course!

We think our experience growing our agencies, combined with our experience teaching through WP the Podcast, Divi Chat, and speaking at WordCamps, makes us uniquely qualified to offer the ultimate Divi course, teaching you to become a Divi Business Expert!

About The Divi Business Expert Course


*Check out the course info page for full module/lesson breakdown!

As mentioned, Divi Business Expert goes beyond just teaching you to build websites with Divi, but teaches you how to build a business around building websites with Divi.

The focus of the course is to help you create a 6 figure company with a consistent flow of referrals from new clients, as well as recurring revenue. We believe those two things are crucial for long-term success in your business, and helps eliminate the infamous “feast or famine” dilemma that is a common struggle for many freelance web designers and developers.

Or what about scope creep? Do you struggle with projects getting way out of hand and end up costing you more money due to the client wanting to add “just one more thing?” We have an entire lesson teaching you how to take control of projects and make scope creep a thing of the past.

Or are you struggling to get clients at all? It’s difficult to land clients, or even find clients, when you’re starting out. We get it, and we share all of our tips, strategies (and even secrets) that will give you an endless supply of new clients before the referrals start rolling in.

One section I’m particularly excited about is recurring revenue! Having recurring revenue is the “holy grail” of any business owner. Being able to continue to make money even when you’re sick, on vacation, or having a slow month, is crucial to being able to grow your business long-term. This is something I chased after for years, and we’re going to teach you how to build it in your business from day one!

I’ve highlighted just a few lessons and modules from Divi Business Expert that we believe help make it the ultimate course for Divi! For the full module/lesson breakdown, take a look at the course info page.

Sign up now while the course is still open!



We can’t wait for the course to officially launch on August 1st, but sign up now to reserve your seat!

We’ve seen similar courses sell for thousands of dollars, but we wanted Divi Business Expert to be as accessible as possible. We’re confident this course will help you create a long term 6 figure business, so we could use that to justify charging $3K or more. However, if you don’t have $3K to spare now then none of that matters, right?

So I’m happy to say Divi Business Expert is only $597!

Any questions? Feel free to reach out or comment below!

We’ll see you on the coaching calls! 🙂

PS: I didn’t even touch on all of the awesome bonuses that are included with the course for free. Head on over to the course info page to see everything that is included.

Questions? Comment Below!


  1. Avatar

    Hello, is there lifetime access to the course materials? Can I go over the site at my own pace? I have two jobs I worry about missing classes…

    • Avatar

      Hi Tony,

      Great questions! Yes, Divi Business Expert includes Lifetime access to the course content and bonuses. And yes, you can definitely go at a slower pace if you need to. The majority of the content is recorded, and you can go back and re-watch as many times as you’d like. We do have the live coaching calls with all students, but those will be recorded so you can go back and watch them at anytime as well. 🙂

  2. Avatar

    Hi guys, will the courses be during the day or evening. I’m very excited to begin this new journey.
    I’m getting caught up on the podcast now, only 50 ep to go.

    • Avatar

      Hey Kevin,

      Glad to hear you’re interested in Divi Business Expert! And thanks for listening to our podcast too! 🙂

      The course content itself will be pre-recorded videos with screen sharing, slides, etc. Those can be watched on your own at anytime, with the ability to rewatch whenever you’d like.

      We will have weekly group coaching calls to answer questions, as well as discuss that week’s content further. We haven’t decided on an exact time for those yet, but we will try and choose a time that will allow the most students as possible to be able to attend live. There’s a good chance they will be evening time to allow those with other jobs to be able to attend. However, they will be recorded to watch later.

      Let me know if you have any additional questions! 🙂

  3. Avatar

    Hello guys,

    After reading the course information on “WP Gears” website I am under the impression the delivery of this course is in stages (drip-feeding) .

    I’ve had not so good experiences with this style of delivery and wonder if the course could be delivered in full for quicker access/learning for us who have more time to consume the information.

    Please advice.


    • Avatar

      Hey Oolie,

      Thanks for your interest in Divi Business Expert! 🙂

      Yes, the course content is drip fed over 8 weeks. There’s a few reasons why we chose to go this route. The first reason is for the group learning. One of the bonuses included is weekly group coaching calls. By everyone (mostly) being at the same part of the course, it allows deeper discussion as people are asking questions related to the same part of the course content, which can allow for better learning overall. The second reason the content is dripped is so that our students don’t get overwhelmed. With online courses booming into a multi-billion dollar industry, there’s been a lot of research into why people don’t finish courses that they purchase and ways to help students complete the course and ultimately succeed in their business. There’s also the whole side of things with the way the human brain learns and remembers. By breaking information down into smaller chunks, it’s easier to digest and process, and will more likely be able to be remembered and applied.

      We want everyone to succeed of course, and we believe that dripping the content will ultimately help with that.

      I hope that makes sense! And I really hope you’ll still be joining us 🙂

  4. Avatar

    Hello, I subscribed to the course on Sunday, but did not get any confirmation. Did something go wrong? I’ve already paid the fee and am looking forward to the course.

    • Avatar

      Hi Marianne! Thank you subscribing to the course! We’ll be happy to have you along for the journey. You should have received an email receipt. Can you check spam folder? We’re using Sendgrid for email sending through the site, so receipts shouldn’t be going to spam, however we’ve received reports from some other students with the same problem.

      • Avatar

        Yes, it was in the spam folder. Thank you for your answer.
        Looking forward to Wednesday, Marianne.

  5. Avatar

    These guys are great. I’ve watched Divi Chat, WP The Podcast did my research on the team and believe in everything they say and will follow their teachings. A while ago I purchased the lifetime membership of Divi but couldn’t find any one individual who provided continuous, consistent, quality tutorials until I stumbled upon Tim and the team. I’ve just purchased the course and I’m really excited to be part of the Divilife, watching their free tutorials is a testimony that they are talented and I am 2000% sure that the course is going to be smashing the doors down. Yep, I’m excited to have the opportunity to learn, grow and establish a new profession to support my family THE D I V I L I F E WAY!!

    • Avatar

      Thanks so much for the kind words, Tricia! We’re so glad to have you as part of the course! 🙂

  6. Avatar

    Hi! I’ve just stumbled upon this course offering (3 weeks late) and was wondering if it’s too late to join in? Thanks.

    • Avatar

      Hi Ingrid! No you’re definitely not too late! The videos are all pre-recorded and can be watched at anytime. The only thing that aren’t pre-recorded are the live weekly coaching call webinars. Those are recorded though, so you can watch the replay whenever. There’s a new live coaching call every week though! 🙂


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