The Exit Intent function on Divi Bars, triggers the Bar when the cursor is leaving the page (to hit the back button, etc). It’s your last effort to grab the user’s attention before they leave the website (possibly forever). Please note that this trigger only works on computer where there is mouse movements that can be tracked. Mobile devices do not have mouse movements, and therefore can not have exit intent.
Step 1: Go to Divi Bars Posts
1. Go to WordPress dashboard
2. Open Divi Bars CPT (Custom Post Type)
3. Go to your Divi Bars post
Step 2: Triggering the Overlay with Timed Delay
1. Scroll down to Automatic Triggers
2. Select Exit Intent
Save changes
To prevent the Bar appears again and again in the same page load, please enable “Display Once Per page load”
This will prevent show the bar after closed in the same page load, but this will not prevent to show the Bar in the whole site or after refresh the page. If you don’t want the bar to appear again for the same user after they go to a different page or come back to the site another day, then you will need to enable the close button cookie feature for Divi Bars.