Introducing the Ultimate Divi Bundle

Today is a great day for Divi users! A week ago I had a video conference call (across three countries and four timezones) with three other leading plugin developers from within the Divi community to discuss teaming up to create a plugin bundle for the Divi community. We put together an amazing package for an amazing price, and we’re calling it The Ultimate Divi Bundle!
The Ultimate Divi Bundle
Here is what is included in the bundle:
Divi Switch (valued at $22.00) Aspen Footer Editor (valued at $13.00) Divi Dashboard Welcome (valued at $22.00) Divi Ghoster 2.0 (valued at $15.00) Divi Booster (valued at $19.00)
Here’s the Lineup:
Divi Switch
Created by SJ James of Divi Space and Gritty Social, Divi Switch – the second plugin ever developed specifically for Divi – is an incredibly powerful tool that allows you to make really nifty changes to your Divi website at the flick of a switch.
After install and activation, Divi Switch will appear directly on your WordPress Dashboard for easy access. Here, with over fifty toggles or ‘switches’ that are easily turned on and off, you’re able to make hundreds of customizations to your website, practically instantaneously. Listed beside each of the switches is a short description or explanation of the switch itself and its function. Some switches are a bit more complex and require a little bit of work from the user to set up and manipulate CSS classes. For these few switches, additional detailed information is offered in the description. Just scratching the surface, some of the amazing features of Divi Switch include allowing you to instantly add a nifty page pre-loader, explore more animation and transitions options, add Divi styles to Contact Form 7 forms and change image aspect ratios. The list of switch options runs really, really long, so be sure to read the Divi Switch knowledge base article for a full breakdown of all of Divi Switch’s capabilities.
Aspen Footer Editor
One of the most common Divi and Extra related gripes revolves around the inability to easily edit the footer. Where the Divi Builder can build just about anything, the same swift functionality is omitted from the footer, and removing and replacing the default Elegant Themes text can prove to be a challenge for those who aren’t familiar with child themes and the intricate workings of .php files. Here, the Aspen Grove Studios Aspen Footer Editor – the third ever plugin made specifically for Divi – comes to the rescue.
Through the Aspen Footer Editor, you’re able to create and style out a site-wide footer that includes your own custom text and credentials. With a WYSIWYG interface (that mimics the default WordPress post or page editor), setting up your new footer area is really simple, and as well as entering custom text and hyperlinks, you’re also able to add graphics (logos) and video assets for an extra visual punch. Another great feature of the Aspen Footer Editor is that it comes hard coded with the functionality for dynamic dating. This means that as each year passes by, the date stamp of your footer will automatically update to the correct year. If you’d like to test drive the Aspen Footer Editor in action, check out the live demo (use ‘demo’ as the password).
Divi Dashboard Welcome
Developed by yours truly (Tim Strifler of Divi Life) our very own Divi Dashboard Welcome gives you the ability you re-engineer the default WordPress Dashboard console to fit either your own design style or your client’s custom branding. With Divi Dashboard Welcome, you’re able to use any of the modules available through the Divi Builder and customize them, in the normal Divi way, to your hearts content.
The sky really is the limit here, and you can go totally crazy with however you’d like to design either your own or your clients’ Dashboard. Maybe you’d like to leave little notes to your clients that will help them with managing their website, or, maybe you’d like to streamline their workflow, for example, by offering quick links to their crucial tasks (such as content posting and comment moderation) and removing the superfluous extras. Nevertheless, personalizing the WordPress Dashboard adds a truly special touch to a web asset, and if you customize the Dashboard to include your contact details as a subtle soft-sell for yourself, your clients will always know how to reach and refer your web design services. Divi Dashboard Welcome comes complete with five pre-styled Dashboard layouts that you could simply insert and edit, or you could easily create your own through the Divi Builder.
Divi Ghoster
The latest version of Divi Ghoster by Aspen Grove Studios gives you even more power over your WordPress website by disguising your use of Divi in development than before. The recently released 2.0 update sees the original white label Divi plugin include even more amazing features, now not only allowing you to hide multiple instances of Divi across the back end of your WordPress website but also hiding your use of Divi from source code and theme detectors.
As well as replacing the visible Divi branded aspects of the backend (dashboard, theme, page builder, and page settings) with your own custom text and logo branding, the Divi Ghoster lets you quickly edit the slug text within the side-wide URLs from displaying as ‘Divi’ to custom text of your own. The Divi Ghoster also includes a Login Customizer which lets you edit the default WordPress admin login page to fit either your own or your client’s branding. In the 2.0 update, the Ultimate Ghoster levels up. As well as the original 1.0 plugin functions (which allows you to remove the theme selector under the Appearance Tab, the Divi Role Editor and the Divi Ghoster plugin itself from your WordPress dashboard), you’re now able to completely mask your use of Divi in development from source code (Google Developer Tools) and theme detectors.
Divi Booster
With a really easy-to-use check-box interface, Divi Booster’s customization options are either enabled or disabled through a series of check boxes. Without having to touch a line of code, Divi Booster allows you to make powerful changes to your Divi website, and too, allows you to customize either single page aspect settings or the alter the default Divi modules so that the changes occur site-wide. This is an incredible time and research saver. As well as being able to edit footer information, change the look of a sidebar and alter the aspect ratio of images, and plenty of other tricks, Divi Booster really is an incredible plugin to have in your web development toolkit. Read through the full list of the Divi Booster features here.
it would be helpful if you posted a link to download the plugin on this page. or at the very least, the price!
Hi Rick, you’re right! I’m sorry about that. I don’t know how I missed that. I’ve updated the post 🙂
Great! Thanks for sharing the information. That is very helpful for increasing my knowledge in this field. I agree your amazing package for an amazing price, Thanks.
Hello. I purchased this bundle back in 2016. Am I still able to download updates to these products, or has that time expired?