This is the changelog for the Divi Modules Pro plugin. See the Divi Changelog for the detailed changes to the Divi Theme.

Version 1.2.7 (07/03/2024)


  • Improve Divi Library output in Carousel and HotSpot modules
  • Improve dynamic styles on Popup Pro – Click Trigger Alignment


Version 1.2.6 (06/13/2024)


  • FlipBox module: Allow Dynamic Content in Front/Back content
  • Image Hover Box improvements and fixes
  • Add new field “Enable Interactive”. Allow the tooltip to be hovered over or clicked without hiding.
  • Improve support for lazy loading images
  • HotSpot module: change default value of “Tooltip Image Width” field to “auto”
  • HotSpot module: support responsive positioning
  • HotSpot module: support Divi global colors
  • Advanced Tabs module: Scroll to specific tab on deep link
  • Advanced Tabs module: Extend third-party plugins support
  • Improve FlipBox functionality to support more devices


  • Tooltip container height on Safari browser
  • Image auto height on Carousel module
  • Blank images in Carousel module
  • License issue with PHP 8.1
  • Coverflow effect in Carousel module
  • Rare issue on Masonry Gallery module
  • Check license bug on some server configurations

Version 1.2.5 (01/19/24)


  • New Advanced Tabs module
  • New “Close Cookie” functionality in Popup module
  • Inactive Background field in Advanced Tabs module


  • Image Hover Box new hover type animation: Blur
  • Accessibility features in Pro Carousel module
  • Interactive HotSpot when “Show Button” is enabled
  • HotSpot: Responsive Tooltip Position


  • Tab Trigger Hover not working when the tab has no link
  • Admin settings not saving properly
  • Rare cases where the time line has incorrect height
  • Hover Box fade slide animation and hover content permanent visible
  • Missing close button in HotSpot module
  • Carousel module: Links not working when using CSS 3D transformations

Version 1.2.4 (09/12/23)


  • Add fields CSS ID and CSS Class in each TimeLine item
  • Link URL on each tab individually


  • Apply border styles to background parallax effect
  • HoverBox module: Hide default content on Slide animations
  • Functionality to process full background Divi fields


  • Popup module was showing icons even when the field “Trigger Button Icon” was empty

Version 1.2.3 (07/28/23)


  • FlipBox new trigger field
  • HotSpot Close button


  • Add Accessibility in Popup module
  • Support Divi Library shortcodes in Masonry module
  • Fast loading submodules
  • Support orientationchange and resize events in HotSpot, ImageHoverBox and FlipBox modules
  • Allow more CSS units in HotSpot Tooltip Image Width


  • Progressing Line in TimeLine module
  • PHP 8 related issues
  • Resturant menu on Visual Builder
  • Flipbox flip effect on browsers Chrome and Edge
  • Remove non-required default values for Restaurant fields: Title and Price
  • Schema Markup on Breadcrumbs
  • Image Hover Box font styling
  • Multi Button child: Add button option as default in Button Type
  • Divi bug with shortcodes
  • Swiper bug in Pro Carousel module
  • Masonry not opening images in popup
  • HoverBox not showing up when the parent is hidden
  • Apply styles only to the image inside each carousel child header
  • Fix HotSpot position style on Visual Builder
  • Fade out Default content box when using Slide as Hover Animation in HoverBox module

Version 1.2.2 (11/11/22)

  • Improvements and fixes in all modules for Visual Builder
  • Improve License Deactivation functionality
  • Add mobile options in HotSpot module: Marker Horizontal and Vertical position
  • Fix PHP error

Version 1.2.1 (5/12/22)

  • Improvements based on Wordpress Coding standards and Divi Marketplace guidelines
  • Remove action of loading default settings when plugin is temporarily deactivated
  • Fixed issue with Masonry Gallery images not opening in Lightbox
  • Various other minor fixes

Version 1.2 (3/10/22)

  • NEW: Divi Timeline Module Added
  • Various other small fixes and improvements

Version 1.1 (2/03/22)

  • NEW: Divi Popup Module Added
  • NEW: Divi Content Toggle Modules Added
  • Improved existing modules user experience by re-organizing setting fields into tabs.
  • Various other small fixes and improvements

Version 1.0 (11/26/21)

  • Initial Release
  • 10 New Modules including Hover Box, Image Hotspot, Carousel, Masonry Gallery, Countdown Timer Pro, Breadcrumb, Multi Button, Flipbox, Before & After Slider, & Restaurant Menus