5 Divi Workflow Features You Should Be Using (& When to Use Them)

by | Oct 15, 2019 | Divi Tutorials | 92 comments

Yesterday I went live to Faceobok and YouTube for our very first Divi LIVE Quick Tip!

This is something I plan to do often from here on out, so leave me some feedback and/or requests. 🙂

This Divi LIVE Quick Tip shows you 5 Divi Workflow Features (aka effeciency features) and When To Use Them.

Take a look!

You can also watch the tutorial on Facebook, if you prefer.

If you have questions, or have requests on what you’d like to see covered, please leave a comment below, or on YouTube or Facebook 🙂


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    Really great video. I’ve used some of these, especially the hover vs. click to select modules, etc. Divi builder has come so far. I’ve tried other builders (and even tried Gutenberg) but keep coming back to divi.

    Thanks for taking the time to put this together.

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      Thanks Hutch! Yes, these workflow features really set apart Divi from the competition. 🙂

  4. Avatar

    Thank you very useful hints, please keep them coming.
    Have an issue with underlining titles, centering, horizontal and vertical placement and margin/padding so it looks the same throughout the page, regardless of title length.

    • Avatar

      Hi Jinny, thanks for watching! And thanks for the suggestions. I’ll add those to the list 🙂

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      Thanks for watching Dan! I appreciate it 🙂

  5. Avatar

    SO useful, thanks Tim. I can’t believe how many efficiencies I’d missed! Click mode especially!

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      Thanks Sarah! Glad it was useful for you 🙂

      And, I know right!?

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    Replay Mr Strifler 😉

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    Replay. But, how do I get to know when you go live! Glad you’re doing this. Always learn from you. Thanks.

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      Hey Joan! Thanks for the kind words! You can be notified when I’m going LIVE by subscribing on YouTube and then clicking the bell icon next to the Subscribe button. That will allow YouTube to send you an email when I’m going Live. Also, if you ‘Like’ the Divi Life Facebook page, you’ll get a notification there as well. Apart from that, I’m going to try find a consistent time so everyone can plan ahead 🙂

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    Tim, Thank you for the value you provide to the community. Please consider adding transcripts.

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      Thanks for the feedback Domonique! Great suggestion on the transcripts, I’ll definitely look into getting that added for each tutorial 🙂

  11. Avatar

    Great tutorial, thank you.
    I’ll am looking forward to see the next one already! There is always time to learn.

    • Avatar

      Thank you, Alina! The next one will be posted today 🙂

  12. Avatar

    Very good tutorial Tim. Thank you. Would you be willing to make one about dynamic content for Divi?

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      Awesome, glad you liked it, Miro! And YES! Dynamic content is definitely on the list. It’s an extremely powerful feature, so it’s definitely worth spending some time on. Perhaps even a few different tutorials or tutorial series 🙂

  13. Avatar

    Hi Tim, I don’t have a Mac – what is the command key on an HP laptop keyboard please?

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      Hi Finoa, the Windows equivalent of the Command Key on a Mac is the Windows Key. So I believe it’s the Windows icon 🙂

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        No it’s the control key on Windows

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          Thank you both Tim and David for the replies, I’ll try the control key

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            Ah thanks for chiming in David! It’s been a while since I’ve used Windows, so I googled it. But it obviously steered me wrong!

  14. Avatar

    Replay! Great tutorial, Tim. Thanks so much for sharing these great workflow features that I haven’t used yet, some of which I wasn’t even aware of. Looking forward to trying them out! 🙂

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      You’re welcome, Lilly!! I’m glad it was helpful. And yes, with all the new Divi features that Elegant Themes is releasing, it’s hard to keep up!

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      Awesome, thank you for watching Daniel!

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    Thanks for the great tips. Sometimes it’s great to see a feature you might already know about used in new or more efficient ways like this, and sometimes I find features obvious to one person might be unfamiliar to another. I hope to see more videos like this to help improve workflow.

    Can styles be copied from page to page though? Or is the only option to save the layout or modules to the library and then import them? I work with pages with really varying layouts and I find my library gets cluttered a lot because I’m saving a large amount of items to be able to use their styling on other pages. Then it becomes a pain when I tweak a module on one page, and then have to go and redo all the other instances on other pages.

    (Apologies if I’m overlooking something or if you addressed it in the video and I missed it.)

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      Thank so much Jen for taking the time to watch and for your thoughts here. I’m glad this was helpful for you 🙂

      As for your questions, unfortunately no, styles can’t be copied from page to page, however, Divi does have a Global Defaults feature that can assist with this. For example, you can design your homepage and style all the buttons and other modules the way you want, and then, save those custom styles as Global Defaults. So when you move on to another page, your button module’s default styling will automatically look the way you want when you add a new button to that page (and the same for other modules too). I’ll be doing an entire video tutorial just on Global Defaults 🙂

  18. Avatar

    Replay. Good work. Nice and fast, not spending too much time on each thing.

    • Avatar

      Awesome, thank you for the feedback. I appreciate that 🙂

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      Awesome, thanks for watching Jay!

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    Replay 🙂

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    replay – a bit of a slow way to get there, I’m already all over cut’n’pasting styles and elements but you convinced me (like reminded me!!) about keyboard shortcuts – and I didn’t know about click mode, and forgot about global changes, so great thanks

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      You’re welcome, Malcolm! Glad it was helpful 🙂

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    Replay – and thanks for the revealing there may me “glitches” in DIVI’s features (“copy styles” may not include EVERY customzed element… working in Visiual Builder mode IS sometimes frustrating because of spacing and element overlap, so jumping to woreframe is easier, etc,). I too use many of the techniques you do to oivercome these issues— but hearing from a leading pro like you that these experiences are “part” of mastering DIVI makes me feel a LOT better about my capabilitoies. refreshing to learn I am not just scrwewing things up!

    • Avatar

      Hey Dave, thanks for watching! Glad you found it helpful 🙂

      And yes, as powerful and amazing as the Visual Builder is, it’s not perfect all the time, and it can definitely get frustrating when you’re unable to select the settings you want. So grid mode and click mode help immensely with that!

  25. Avatar

    Hey Tim-
    Sorry message sent earier riddled with typos (chalk it up to my being pretty excited to thank you for the tips and pay you compliment!) If you would lke I can resend with my “gorilla fingers” kept in check.

  26. Avatar

    Replay. I can’t wait for Divi 4 tomorrow. Realy speed things up then.

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    • Avatar

      Thanks for watching the replay, Nate!

  28. Avatar

    Just watched the replay. I can’t wait to incorporate some of the tips. Very helpful. Thank you.

    • Avatar

      Awesome! Yes, definitely incorporate them. It for sure takes some time to get used to, but it’s worth it long term 🙂

  29. Avatar

    Hey Tim,
    Thanks for sharing your expertise as always. The content was very helpful… a nice refresher. I appreciate the chance to grow another Divi brain cell. lol. Elegant Themes releases so many new features on a regular basis that I sometimes forget how much power is under the hood.

    Hope you have a great rest of the year! Cheers!

    • Avatar

      Hey Jon! Thanks for watching and for your thoughts!! Yes, ET is pumping out value, so it’s definitely hard to keep up 🙂

  30. Avatar

    Replay! Great stuff! I use wireframe a lot but didn’t know about all the keyboard shortcuts. Coming from a print world, I’m so used to thank you for dropping those knowledge bombs. 😁 topics ideas: best practices for Divi Library; Divi bars (I have this on one site and I’m sure it’s underutilized); and flywheel local (my host, too!). Thank you for all the great tips.

    • Avatar

      Great, thanks Laura! Glad you liked it, and I appreciate the suggestions 🙂

  31. Avatar

    Just watched the reply, and I’m glad I did. Thank you Tim for helping to bring me up to speed with Divi

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      You’re very welcome, Martin! I’m so glad to hear this was helpful 🙂

  32. Avatar

    Replay! And thank you.

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    replay. excellent lesson, tim! thx

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      You’re welcome, I’m glad it was helpful for you!! Thanks for watching, Mike

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      Thanks for watching Patrick 🙂

  34. Avatar

    Replay. Great stuff. Some I knew, some I didn’t.

    You mentioned it… so I’m throwing up my hand for a “yes, please!” I would love to see something about Flywheel Local. We use Flywheel, and I have local installed, but I haven’t tried it yet.

    • Avatar

      That’s awesome, I’m glad you learned a few things 🙂

      Yes, Local by Flywheel tutorial coming soon!!

  35. Avatar

    Excellent! Concise and very useful. Have been reading up on your materials and watching you on the Divi panel podcast. I really appreciate your expertise and am grateful to have learned so much so quickly from you. Thank you!! Already can’t wait for your next quick-tips!!

    • Avatar

      Thanks so much for the kinds words, Michael!! I’m glad you’ve been enjoying the tutorials 🙂

  36. Avatar

    This video was amazing! Thank you so much!!

    • Avatar

      You’re welcome! I’m so glad you liked it 🙂

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  38. Avatar

    Replay. I would love to watch a live but seem to miss them. And really interested in Flywheel local.

    • Avatar

      Hi Karie,

      Thanks for watching! And yes, a Local by Flywheel tutorial is coming soon!! 🙂

  39. Avatar

    I would like to see a “White Label” layout for Wordpress Backend. Thanks

    • Avatar

      There are whitelable plugins that will do this for you. Also, take a look at our plugin Divi Dashboard Welcome which allows you to create a custom WordPress admin welcome using Divi 🙂


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