NOTE: Make sure to Clear ALL Caches after updating including Divi\'s static CSS cache and your browser cache.
Version (10/14/2024)
- Improve render speed
- Improve support for Divi form conditional logic
- Visual Builder post edit link
- Background display animation
Version (10/08/2024)
- Improve Overlay render on frontend
Version (08/16/2024)
- Faster Toggle HTML playable tags on Overlay closing
- Transition background not working on mobile browsers in certain devices
Version (06/22/2024)
- PHP Notice issue on admin notifications
Version (06/21/2024)
- New functionality to stop playable HTML tags from continue running after the overlay is closed
Version (06/13/24)
- Enable ESC key option
- Open pdf links in new tab and show an overlay at the same time
- Improve functionality to handle playable tags
- Animations conflict with Divi core
- Divi Newsletter subscribe button closing the Overlay
Version (9/07/23)
- Features:
- Close Clicking outside the content
- Support Dynamic Content from third-party plugins
- Support leadconnectorhq form embeds
- Restructuring Divi core functionality
- Improve functionality to clear Divi cache
- Support HubSpot Forms and Divi Form Builder conditional fields
- Add onShow and onAjaxLoad events
- Better support for Divi Slider module
- Divi Newsletter Forms: On Button field, using Dynamic Content and adding \"close-divi-overlay\" as Custom Link Text will close the overlay on form submit
- Forminator datepicker z-index issue
- Admin issue when saving an overlay with automatic trigger scheduled
- Forminator Pro compatibility issue
- Remove Divi motion effects
Version (11/11/22)
- Custom close trigger now supports Divi Module Link URL
- Add trigger overlay on hash change
- Add support to Divi Video Slider module, Interactive Geo Maps and Forminator Pro plugins
- Support post revisions
- Fix closing last overlay when press key ESC
- Fix incompatibility issue with BigCommerce plugin
- Fix not pausing video elements when Overlay closes
- Small fixes
Version (06/22/22)
- Fix video tag elements not playing when overlay is active
- Fix incompatibility issues with third-party plugins
- Better support for WP Rocket
Version 2.9.7 (04/20/22)
- New Display Locations options: All pages, All posts
- Archive and Author fields enabled by default
- Improve Ajax feature to better support Divi styles, animation and links options
- Improvements on Schedule Feature
- Better support for Divi Extra theme
- Minor fixes
Version (03/15/22)
- Improve compatibility with playable HTML tags and Safari browser
- Fix linking Overlay to Overlay
- Fix Divi mobile menu not working on iOS devices
- Optimize cache efficiency
- Improve support for third-party cache plugins
- Support Divi module animations when overlay ajax feature is enabled
- Improve Ajax feature to better support Divi styles
Version (12/13/21)
- Improve support for flatpickr datepicker
- Fix issue mixed Divi styles
- Fix issue with click triggers
Version (12/02/21)
- Add new clear cache functions on plugin activation/deactivation, switching themes and when using Divi Clear button for \"Static CSS File Generation\"
- Improve close overlay functionality when using multiple closing features
- Increase compatibility with Divi animations and third-party plugins
- Better support Divi cache
Version 2.9.6 (10/21/21)
- More support for third-party plugins
- Add new clear cache functions on post save
Version 2.9.5 (10/12/21)
- New Display Locations options \"Author\" and \"Force render\"
- Improve support for Facebook like button and OSX mobile
- Add option to enable/disable GDPR-compatible
- Fix small issues
Version 2.9.4 (9/6/21)
- Improve Divi styles support
- Improve \"Search for Overlay triggers\" functionality
- Better compatibility with plugins: Divi Builder and Gravity Forms
- Improvements on Ajax and Exit Intent features
- New Additional Overlays Settings \"Show for Guests only\" and \"Show for Registered Users only\" options
- Support plugin Divi Ghoster
- Support plugin \"Before After Image Slider Module for Divi\"
Version 2.9.3 (6/30/21)
NOTE: Make sure to Clear ALL Caches after updating, and ideally make a backup before updating.
- Added major improvements on overlay post render (and removed getpost) to fix performance issues that some users experienced
- Optimize Ajax request
- Improved support for Divi animations within Divi Overlays
- Increase speed and performance of Ajax feature
- Added unique Divi CSS selectors for Divi Overlays
- Improved support for Divi mobile menu
- Added Close Linking feature
- Added support for the jQuery Slick Slider
- Fixed blur background animation
- Fixed \"Enable Cache\" button on plugin settings page
- Fixed issue preventing Ajax functionality from working properly
- Fixed close button on IE 11
- Fixed Divi Overlays not showing on 404 pages
- Fixed default Divi menu not working properly on mobile devices when an overlay was triggered
- Fixed Overlay trigger not working on Author pages
- Other Minor fixes and improvements
Version 2.9.2 (6/4/21)
- Internal release- fixes and enhancements from this release are added above
Version (5/19/21)
- Various Smaller Fixes and improvements
Version 2.9.1 (11/20/20)
NOTE: If you are updating from any version prior to 2.9, then please see the note below on backing up before update, and clearing all caches after update.
Version (11/9/20)
NOTE: This is a major update. Please backup before updating, and make sure ALL caches are cleared after updating (server cache, plugin cache, CDN cache, Divi cache, browser cache)
- Re-work all animations to improve speed and browser support
- Divi Overlays background now fadeIn/Out
- Animations are now applied to Divi Overlays content
- Sliders control animation added to post edit
- Add 50+ animations
- Add Enable Background Blur
- Add fadeIn & fadeOut animation by default to Overlay Close button
- Make Overlay background fadeIn for 1 second by default
- Remove old JS animations
- Reduce more than 100kb of total plugin size
- Improve method to search Divi Overlays triggers in shortcodes
- Add cache functionality to speed-up site load. This can be enabled/disabled on Divi Overlays admin settings page
- Add new \"divioverlay\" class reference on \"Manual Triggers\" metabox and page overview
- Don\'t limit posts per page when filtering by CSS Trigger and Automatic Trigger
- Re-work all cache functionality
- fix: Divi clickable elements opening multiple tabs on click
- fix: Avoid filter iFrame containing PDF file as source
Version 2.8.11 (8/6/20)
- Support Gravity Forms Styles Pro
- Support Caldera Forms
- Support Ultimate Member
- Support Divi Overlays triggers on woocommerce shop page
- Support to \"Slider Revolution by ThemePunch\"
- Support to the latest Gravity Forms Stripe Add-On
- Increase plugin performance
- Update styles based on latest Divi updates
- Improve Overlay Background functionality
- Improve ajax intercept function to avoid conflicts with other plugins
- Improve loading required JS files only when Divi Overlays triggers are found
- Improve license status checking
- Code adaptation to support IE11
- Add function to auto-enable Custom Post Divi Overlays under Divi Theme Options
- Fix style issue on \"Color Picker Slider\" in the post editor sidebar
- Remove \"Select Overlay Font Color\" field
- Remove iframe, script and style tags when parsing content from Divi Layouts
- type=\"text/css\" on style tags is no longer required
- type=\"text/javascript\" on script tags is no longer required
- Enqueue jquery script is no longer required
- Avoid render et_pb_contact_form shortcode to prevent Divi captcha issues
- Divi Overlays won\'t search for triggers on WooCommerce Checkout form to avoid any issues with third-party payment gateways.
- Reset browser scroll to top when Divi Overlays is opened and \"Prevent main page scrolling\" option is enabled
- Replace Browscap Full with Lite version to reduce server usage and plugin size
- Replace main Divi class \"overlay\" to \"divioverlay\". This will avoid issues with Visual Builder
- Remove widget Divi Overlays: Global Overlays
Version 2.8.10 (4/22/20)
- Optimize Overlays main functionality
- Improve overlays load speed
- Remove non-required modernizr
- Remove old code URL Trigger by filter
- Fix \"Corner Shape, Genie, Content Scale and Content Push\" effects
- Update Snap.svg JavaScript SVG library
- Small fixes to prevent PHP notices on a few cases
- Improve \"Prevent main page scrolling\" functionality
Version (4/14/20)
- Apply Divi Render Layout Filter when getting current post content before searching for Overlays triggers
- Add support to Divi Email Opt-in module
- Improve Divi Overlays custom CSS file generation from Divi Core main CSS file
- Add support to Divi custom fonts when Ajax feature is enabled
- Add support to Extra theme styles under categories
- Fix license issue on multi-sites
- Fix small PHP issue
Version (3/23/20)
- Improve Divi Overlays triggers detection
- Improve \"Prevent main page scrolling\" functionality
- Remove position:fixed from body which was causing a rendering bug on Safari Mobile
- Add specific iOS mobile styles by using Divi iOS detect function
- Add support to Divi Email Opt-in module
- Add support to Divi Shortcodes
Version (3/18/20)
- Improved function to search for Divi Overlays in post/page content
- Allow Divi Overlays on 404 pages
- Allow Divi Overlays on search result pages
Version (3/16/20)
- Update Divi render layout function
- Add a condition to check if WooCommerce is disabled before looking for rendering new Divi WooCommerce modules
Version (3/11/20)
- Improve Divi Overlays core
- Add support to Divi WooCommerce Modules
Version (3/4/20)
- Small php fix to prevent notice issue
Version 2.8.9 (3/3/20)
- Add translation support on post edit settings
- Add License file
- Remove non-required assets
- Reduce Inline Javascript
Version (1/30/20)
- fix: Infinite Loop issue on Divi post edit
- fix: Do not load frontend assets on License page
- clean: Remove non-required functions
- enhancement: Update user admin messages to be related to Divi Life
- enhancement: Temporarily disable Divi CSS Static option only if it was enabled
- enhancement: Make scheduling based on WP Time core
- enhancement: New License page
Version (1/21/20)
- Fix duplicate emails issue when using Divi Contact Form
Version (1/10/20)
- Add touch/tap support to custom close button
Version (1/9/20)
- Fix close button not working on iOS latest version
Version 2.8.8 (1/7/20)
- Added proper Divi Overlay format on WooCommerce pages
- Fixed header CSS issue that affected nav menu and Divi\'s built-in search function
Version 2.8.7 (1/3/20)
- Fixed backend post editing issue
Version 2.8.6 (12/24/19)
Version 2.8.5 (12/20/19)
- Fix Divi Overlays not showing on homepage when Extra theme is enabled
- Include custom jQuery UI on Divi Overlays post edit
Version 2.8.4 (12/19/19)
- Forced jQuery UI in order to prevent post edit issues
Version 2.8.3 (12/17/19)
- Fix slider input not working on post edit
Version 2.8.2 (12/17/19)
- Improve current post detection
Version 2.8.1 (12/04/19)
- Improved AJAX support
- Fixed minor PHP issues
Version 2.8.0 (11/01/19)
- Improve compatibility with Monarch Wordpress Plugin
- Small fix issues
Version 2.7.9 (10/28/19)
Version 2.7.8 (10/24/19)
- Small fix for hash trigger
Version 2.7.7 (10/18/19)
- Update support for Divi Inline Styles
Version 2.7.6 (10/15/19)
- Improved Display Locations search
Version 2.7.5 (10/09/19)
- Feature Update: Added option to load overlay content via ajax once triggered
- Core improvements
- Reduce license requests
- Fix minor issues
Version 2.7.1 (09/24/19)
- Add support to Formidable Forms: reCaptcha field
Version 2.7.0 (09/20/19)
- Enhancement: Trigger Overlays from links containing hash
- Display Locations: reduce the size of fields in search results to improve performance
- Upgrade Select2 to version 4.0.9
- Hide License Keys from license activation screen once activated
- Add Support Display Locations in Categories, Tags and Archive
Version 2.6.0 (07/29/19)
- Disable Divi Overlays when Divi Visual Builder is enabled
Version 2.5.9 (06/28/19)
- Increased the limit of Divi Overlays per page to 20
Version 2.5.8 (06/24/19)
- Fixed issue with Dot Nav showing border - last two dots did not work correctly and overlays added dots to the dot nav
- Fixed conflict with the Elegant Themes Monarch plugin
Version 2.5.7 (01/17/19)
- Fix Exit intent glitching
- Fixed Exit intent with overlays and Mega Pro posts on main menu conflicting
- Allow Start / End feature to include previous time to show overlay immediately
Version 2.5.6 (12/13/18)
- Added support for the new backend Divi Builder Experience, and the Visual Builder.
Version 2.5.5 (11/07/18)
- Fixed an issue with the “Display Once Per Page Load” feature not being disabled correctly
- Fixed an issue with settings from automatic triggers not allowing click triggers to function properly
- Fixed an issue with the Display Location > Specific Page selection not saving correctly without automatic trigger
Version 2.5.4 (10/15/18)
- Fixed an issue with the specific pages option not working correctly
- Fixed an issue where the “disable on mobile” setting was also disabling overlay on tablets
- Fixed an issue preventing automatic triggers from being turned off once enabled
- Improved the close action button for creating custom close buttons: close-divi-overlay
- Fixed an error happening on large sites: “prevent notice error” from get_current_screen() WP function
Version 2.5.1 (10/03/18)
- Added Recurring Scheduling feature
- Added feature to individually disable Divi Bar on Desktop/Tablet/Mobile
- Decreased requests to licensing server.
- Fixed an incompatibility with Divi Bars
- Fixed a crash bug in front end
- Fixed an issue with the Filterable Grid Portfolio plugin.
- Fixed various other minor bug.
Version 2.2 (04/24/18)
- Added New API Licensing System for Divi Overlays
- Fixed issue with Divi’s built in “Projects” post type pages not showing in list of “Specific Pages” when setting triggers.
- Removed old unnecessary “Admin Ajax” and “Normalize.CSS” files
- Fixed a conflict with the Gravity Forms plugin when redirecting to new page upon form completion.
Version 2.1.3 (02/14/18)
- Added Close Button Cookie Expiration Feature to control how long until the automatic trigger will execute the overlay again after a user has closed it
- Added scheduling feature to schedule a start and end time for automatic overlay triggers
- Fixed issue with videos inside overlays playing in the background before the overlay triggers (when video is set to autoplay)
- Enhanced the CSS Selector Trigger feature by adding ability to choose what pages it will display on
- Fixed various other minor bugs
Version 2.0.2
- Fixed an issue caused by the previous update that resulted in columns breaking in the builder.
- Fixed an issue that caused additional paragraph tags to be added around form fields in the Gravity Forms plugin.
- Fixed the issue with multiple overlays triggering on the same page when multiple overlays are set with automatic triggers but supposed to trigger on different pages.
Version 2.0.1
- Fixed the issue caused by a recent Divi update where custom button styling defined in the Divi builder was not being applied in the overlay.
- Fixed the issue caused by a recent Divi update where Divi Overlays was causing black bars to be shown on both sides of background videos.
- Fixed the issue where certain text editor formatting (line breaks, lists, bullets, etc.) was not being applied inside of the overlay.
- Fixed the issue where menu link triggers weren’t automatically adding the overlay content to the page.
Version 2.0
This is a major update. Please backup before updating.
- Added Automatic Triggers
- Timed Delay
- Scroll Delay
- Exit Intent
- Improved the way click triggers work in Divi Overlays. Content shortcodes are no longer needed. Instead, adding the click trigger will automatically add the overlay content to the page.
- Due to the above, Global Overlays are no longer necessary to set up via the Global Overlays widget area.
- In addition to adding the unique CSS ID to an element on the page, click triggers can also be set by adding a unique CSS string directly to the individual overlay edit screen. This allows more precise selection of click triggers on individual parts of a Divi module.
- Added close button customization options
- added the ability to hide the main close button (per overlay)
- added ability to customize the close button by changing color, size, background color, background radius
- Added the ability to link from overlay to overlay
- Added smooth scrolling of overlay on mobile devices
- Licensing username and password are no longer exposed for those that are turning sites over to clients
- added overlay unique CSS ID and Menu ID directly to overlay edit screen for easier access
- Multiple other minor fixes and enhancements
Version 1.1.2
- Fixed a z-index issue that caused the overlay to not always be on top in certain cases.
Version 1.1.1
- Fixed a bug that caused the Divi mobile menu to break when a video was present in the overlay
Version 1.1
- Fixed a bug from version 1.0.4 that caused issues with the several Divi modules including the Divi form module, audio module, video module, as well as other 3rd party plugins such as form plugins.
- Added a new feature called “URL Triggers” that allows you to trigger the overlay on page load by placing /#overlay-1234 at the end of the URL. (change 1234 with overlay ID).
- Added three new ways to close overlays:
- Overlays can now be closed by pressing the escape key
- Overlays can now be closed by clicking on the overlay background
- Overlays can now be closed by adding class=“close-divi-overlay” to any link, button, element, etc. from within the overlay.
- Added the ability to not let the background (main page) scroll when the overlay is opened.
Version 1.0.4
- Fixed the issue that broke the following animations in version 1.0.3: Genie, Little Boxes, Corner Shape, Content Scale, & Content Push.
Version 1.0.3
- Added full video support “out of the box.” Previously, videos inside of overlays would not pause automatically when the overlay was closed, causing the audio to continue being heard from the video playing in the background. Now, videos will automatically stop playing when the overlay is closed. This new feature has been fully tested on YouTube, Vimeo, and Wistia videos.
Version 1.0.2
- Fixed the javascript error that happened on pages where no overlay was found, causing other javascript on the page to break, particularly from other plugins.
Version 1.0.1
- Fixed the secondary menu overlap issue.
- Fixed the function naming issue that caused a fatal error from conflicting with other Divi plugins, and/or child themes.
Version 1.0
Divi Overlays product description, promo video, screenshots, and demos can be found here: