NOTE: Make sure to Clear ALL Caches after updating including Divi’s static CSS cache and your browser cache.
Version (03/03/2025)
- Rare cases where animations are not working on Divi elements
- Missing Divi styles on \"No Results\" page
Version (02/12/2025)
- Better support for Custom CSS Selector
- Improve frontend render
- Support Divi Vertical navigation
- CSS Class .close-divibar not working on rare cases
- Issue affecting styling on Divi Vertical Navigation
- Close button on mobile
- Admin: Fix PHP display error
Version (06/28/2024)
- Improve render for non-Divi posts
- Admin: Search post/page on Display Locations
Version 1.9.0 (06/13/24)
- Improve compatibility with WooCommerce
- Improve bar render
- Admin: Fix format Tag name on Display Locations
Version 1.8.9 (02/20/24)
- Enhancements:
- Improve initialization speed and content process
- Bug on Wordpress post save
Version 1.8.8 (01/19/24)
- Enhancements:
- New content process
- Improve support to default Divi sticky elements
- Filter posts by current language in WPML Multilingual
- Improve Force Render functionality
- Avoid custom elements with fixed position in our calculation to push the page container
- Remove clear cache functionality on any post save/update
Version (11/11/22)
- Change schedule feature time interval from 30 to 15
- Add support to third-party plugins using onResize event
- Support for post revisions
- Restore default \"padding-top\" style to Divi Page container after Divi Bars close
- Don\'t apply \"position:fixed\" to #main-header when Divi nav isn\'t fixed
Version (06/22/22)
- Remove margin-top in HTML tag when \"Do not Fix to Top\" is enabled if required only.
Version (05/12/22)
- Remove white space at the bottom of the page when Divi Bars shows
- Fix incompatibility issues with third-party plugins
Version (04/20/22)
- New Display Locations options: All pages, All posts
- Archive and Author fields enabled by default
- Improve fixed elements positioning when Divi Bars is active
- Better support for third-party cache plugins and Divi Extra theme
- Fix issues with PHP 8
- Fix positioning issue with fixed Divi elements
- Minor fixes
Version (01/20/22)
- Fix issue showing notice error on header
- Change main Divi Bars calls order initialization to avoid issues with third-party plugins
- Add conditions to avoid issues with third-party services trying to initialize Divi Overlays without Divi core
- Optimize cache efficiency
Version (12/13/21)
- Fix issue mixed Divi styles
Version (12/02/21)
- New Display Locations by Categories, Tags, Archive and Author
- Force render option
- Show for Guests only
- Show for Registered Users only
- Improvements on feature automatic triggers
- Add new clear cache functions on plugin activation/deactivation, switching themes, post save and when using Divi Clear button for \"Static CSS File Generation and improve Divi cache support
- Improve support for Gravity Forms, googleRecaptcha and Stripe plugins
- Update compatibility with Divi CSS
Version (8/17/21)
- Fixed \"Start & End Time\" schedule on admin post edit
- Better Extra theme support
- Improve compatibility with Divi Builder plugin
- Improvements on Schedule feature
- Support Divi Icon Party and Divi Ghoster plugins
- Fix iframes width inside Divi Bars
- Small fixes
Version 1.8.7 (5/5/21)
- Rework animations by using jQuery core only. Remove old jQuery Transition Library.
- Support Extra theme fixed nav menu
- Add JS files only when triggers are found
- Improve clear cache functionality on post save
- Enable cache on plugin activation
Version (10/19/20)
- Add cache functionality to speed-up site load. This can be enabled/disabled on Divi Bars admin settings page
- Add Custom Elements CSS Selector back to Divi Bars Settings
- Support Divi Slide CSS transitions when Divi Bars is active
- Support Ultimate Member plugin
- Improve ajax intercept function to avoid conflicts issues with other plugins
- Improve method to search Divi Bars triggers in shortcodes
- Update Divi Bars styles based on latest Divi updates
- Re-work all cache functionality
Version (04/16/20)
- Optimize Divi Bars speed
- Optimize Divi Bars admin functionality
- Add feature multiple divi bars
- Improve push-page functionality
- Remove modernizr
- Add license file
- Remove non-required Snap JS library
- Fix all error/warnings reported on phpcs scanner
Version (04/08/20)
- Add Divi Bars enhancement to be automatically enabled as Divi post type on plugin activation
- Update network wide functions to be per site focus
- Improve Divi styles handling
Version (04/06/20)
- Improve Extra Theme support
- Support Divi Email Opt-in module
- Support new Divi WooCommerce modules
- Fix issue not saving empty value on \"Add Exceptions\" field when Display Locations value is \"All pages\"
- Add additional conditions to prevent PHP Notice when \"Add Exceptions\" and \"Only specific pages\" fields are empty
Version (04/01/20)
- Fixed License issues on multisite
Version (02/14/20)
- Update Divi render layout function
Version 1.8.6 (02/14/20)
- Improve License page styles and functionality
- Improve plugin compatibility with Divi
- Improve Divi CSS Static handle
- Prevent front-end resources from being loaded on Licensing page
- Fixed the \"infinite spinning wheel\" permalink issue
Version (01/16/20)
- Add custom jQuery UI styles
Version (01/14/20)
- Force Divi layout render when a singular post is not being displayed
Version 1.8.5 (12/21/19)
- Fixed Divi Customize styles not showing up for Divi Bars content
- Improved way to get current page/post ID when Divi Bars wasn\'t showing up
- Removed old Monarch fix by being replaced for a better way to improve compatibility with third-party plugins like Monarch, Bloom, etc.
- Improved URL CSS file from Divi Customize styles Divi Bars
Version 1.8.2 (12/12/19)
Version 1.8.1 (12/9/19)
- Support manual offsets WP Timezone
Version 1.8.0 (11/8/19)
- Added proper support for all Divi Custom CSS so now \"Output Styles inline\" Divi Theme option won\'t be required anymore for custom button styling and others to show properly.
Version 1.7.4 (11/7/19)
- Improve code on Divi Bars triggered by hash
Version 1.7.3 (10/18/19)
- Update support for Divi Inline Styles
Version 1.7.2 (10/15/19)
- Improve support for Custom Post Types
- Reduce requests to licensing server
Version 1.7.1 (09/17/19)
- Improve way to getting time zone from WordPress options
Version 1.7.0 (09/10/19)
- Hide License Key on activation screen once license key is activated
- Trigger Bar from links containing hash
- Improved Divi Bars detection in posts
- Optimized Display location field
Version 1.6.3 (08/09/19)
- Fixed transparent header issue when a site\'s header is 100% transparent and the bar is active and overlap\'s the logo with the first section of the page
- Fixed issue with Divi\'s search icon glitching with Divi Bar
Version 1.6.3 (08/09/19)
- Fixed transparent header issue when a site\'s header is 100% transparent and the bar is active and overlap\'s the logo with the first section of the page
- Fixed issue with Divi\'s search icon glitching with Divi Bar
Version 1.6.2 (08/06/19)
- Fixes and adjustments when Divi Primary menu has a transparent background
Version 1.6.0 (07/29/19)
- Improved Divi Bars ID search
- Made other core improvements
Version 1.5.0 (01/30/19)
- Fix incompatibility with the Elegant Themes Monarch plugin
Version 1.4.9 (01/17/19)
- Fix issue Exit intent conflict between Divi Bars and Mega Pro posts
Version 1.4.8 (12/19/18)
- Improve server compatibility with date/time
Version 1.4.7 (12/14/18)
- Improved how timezone is handled which fixed recurring scheduling issue with day not selected, and start/end feature not saving dates
Version 1.4.6 (12/13/18)
- Added support for the new backend Divi Builder Experience, and the Visual Builder.
Version 1.4.5 (10/31/18)
- Fixed an issue with the Divi countdown module not opening
- Fixed an issue with Scheduling End Dates not allowing future dates to be saved
Version 1.4.4 (09/11/18)
- Fix Full Width Header Full Screen enable Glitch
Version 1.4.3 (09/11/18)
- Improve default params to support Pre ES2015
Version 1.4.2 (08/28/18)
- Add support for non-fixed navigation in Extra Theme
Version 1.4.1 (08/23/18)
- Added Recurring Scheduling feature
- Added feature to individually disable Divi Bar on Desktop/Tablet/Mobile
- Fixed bug in display locations feature
- Added better support for Divi’s vertical navigation option
- Fixed compatibility issue with Divi Overlays
- Decreased requests to Divi Life licensing feature
Version 1.3
Version 1.2.1 (07/02/18)
- Added a new feature for adding exceptions when selecting ‘All Pages’ from the page/post selection.
- Changed the way that posts/pages are queried when choosing page/post selection to fix timeout errors and other errors that occurred on sites with a large number of posts.
- Enhanced the way page/post selection is done in Divi Bars to simplify and avoid confusion. Now there is only one place to select page/post regardless of what trigger or feature is used.
- Fixed issue with Divi Bars breaking header when Fixed Navigation is turned off in Divi Theme Options.
- Fixed several other minor bugs throughout plugin.
Version 1.1.2 (06/18/18)
- Fixed an issue with Divi Bars adding unnecessary padding to areas of the page when the Divi Bar was active.
- Fixed an issue with Divi Bars forcing a fixed navigation header, even when it was turned off in Divi Theme Options.
- Fixed an issue with the automatic updater licensing system.
Version 1.1.1 (05/31/18)
- Fixed issue with licensing causing other post types to redirect to Divi Bars settings page when license was not activated.
- Fixed Issue with Divi Animations to cause elements to not show on front end.
- Added Support for Divi’s Animations inside of Divi Bars.
- Fixed Issue with Transparent Menus breaking Divi Bars.
- Fixed Issue with Divi’s Project Post Type not showing in list of specific pages to trigger Divi Bar on.
- Fixed issue with more than 10 Divi Bars causing older Divi Bars to not display.
Version 1.1 (04/24/18)
- Added new API licensing system.
- Fixed issue with Divi Bars conflicting with Divi’s Visual Builder.
Version 1.0.4 (02/08/18)
- Fixed compatibility with the Extra Theme
- Fixed issue with Fixed Nav breaking when resizing browser window
- Fixed bug with scheduling feature not being able to be turned off once enabled.
- Added URL Triggers feature to trigger a Divi Bar from URL
Version 1.0.3
- internal version for testing
Version 1.0.2 (12/11/17)
- Fixed the issue where Divi Bars would partially break 2 and 3 column layout section in certain circumstances.
- Fixed an incompatibility with the Elegant Themes Monarch plugin that would add the Monarch social sharing buttons inside of Divi Bars when Monarch social sharing button were set up for inline sharing and set to either “Below Content” or “Above and Below.”
- Fixed an issue with Divi Bars not displaying correctly on archive pages, category pages, 404 pages, etc.
Version 1.0.1
- internal version for testing
Version 1.0 (11/21/17)
Divi Bars product description, promo video, screenshots, and demos can be found here: